Man can easily give me a fucking headache

Collage and photo by me

I liked this guy, but he is too complicated and he is giving me a headache.

I don´t quite understand his behavior, but is definitely passive aggressive. He doesn´t say no to see me, but he is always too busy to arrange a day and makes sure to emphasize how little important I ‘am.

If you want to see someone, you make the time for that person, right?

He talks to me as if I´m asking for an explanation, and I swear I´m not! The way I talk to him now is also passive aggressive.

So when someone´s behavior is making you feel upset, what´s the best thing to do?

I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but instead, I deleted his number on Whats- app and unfollowed him on Instagram. It feels like we are going around circles and I reached my limit.

The positive things about this are:

1- I realized I´m not even remotely important to him.

2- This type of disappointment is like an injection of inspiration.

So, dear …. go fuck yourself, I´m too old for this shit.

Check out the final collages on

Photo by cottonbro on

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